Fandom Developers Wiki

PrettyUserTags provides a unique design to many of the default user tags, both global and local, when UserTags is installed.


Add the line below to your wiki's MediaWiki:ImportJS page:

After that is done, import the CSS:


PrettyUserTags alters a total of 26 individual tags, & has a default fallback for those it does not cover. However, if there are custom groups you would like to alter, or if you want to change any of the default tags provided by this stylesheet, you may reuse the following CSS rules for each tag in order to make alterations:

.UserProfileMasthead .masthead-info .tag-container .tag.usergroup-mygroup {
    background: black;
    color: white;
    border-color: red;

Replace mygroup with the name of the group you would like to alter.

Alternative installation

If installing UserTags directly is too daunting, install LinkedUserTags with PrettyUserTags in order to have standardized functionality and tag designs. Simply add dev:LinkedUserTags.js to ImportJS instead of dev:UserTags/code.js, and then add the CSS import normally.

Text above can be found here (edit)