Fandom Developers Wiki

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(function() {
    if (window.getWikiStatistics) return;
    var cache = {},
        targetClasses = [

    function getWikiStatistics(targetClass, prop, $content) {

        $content = $content || $(document);
        if (!$content.find(targetClass).length) return;

        mw.log('gws t&p', targetClass, prop, $content.find(targetClass).length);

        $content.find(targetClass).each(function () {

            var proto, url, clearUrl, wikiBase, wikiLang, wiki, queryUrl,
                $this = $(this);

            url = $this.text();


            proto = (/^https?:\/\/|^\/\//i).exec(url);
            proto = proto ? proto[0] : '//';

            clearUrl = url.replace(/^https?:\/+|^\/+/i, '');
            wikiBase = clearUrl.replace(/\.fandom\.com.*/i, '').split('/')[0];
            wikiLang = clearUrl.split('/')[1] || false;

            wiki = encodeURIComponent(wikiBase) + '';

            if (wikiLang) {
                wiki += '/' + encodeURIComponent(wikiLang);

            queryUrl = proto + wiki;

            // if data request in process
            if (cache[wiki]) {
                // if data in cache
                if (cache[wiki].data) {
                cache[wiki].targets.push({c: targetClass, p: prop, t: $this});
            // create cache
            cache[wiki] = {
                targets: [
                    {c: targetClass, p: prop, t: $this},
            if (!(/^https?:\/\//i).test()) {
                wiki = '//' + wiki;
            if (wiki.indexOf('') === -1) {
                wiki = wiki + '';
            ///* disabled due to XSS issue
            mw.log('gws req', queryUrl, prop);
                url: queryUrl + '/api.php',
                data: {
                    action: 'query',
                    meta: 'siteinfo',
                    siprop: 'statistics',
                    format: 'json'
                dataType: 'jsonp',
                jsonp: 'callback',
                crossDomain: true,
                type: 'GET',
                success: function (data) {
                    mw.log('gws data', this, queryUrl, prop, data, data.query.statistics);
                    data = data.query.statistics;
                    cache[wiki].data = data;
                    cache[wiki].targets.forEach(function(v) {
                    if ($this.length) {
    // backward compatible global getWikiStatistics
    window.getWikiStatistics = getWikiStatistics;
    mw.hook('wikipage.content').add(function ($content) {
        mw.log('gws', targetClasses, $content.find(targetClasses.join(',')).length);
        if (!$content.find(targetClasses.join(',')).length) return;
        targetClasses.forEach(function(v) {
            getWikiStatistics(v, v.replace(/^.*?\-/, ''), $content);
        getWikiStatistics('.outwikistats-articles', 'articles');
        getWikiStatistics('.outwikistats-activeusers', 'activeusers');
        getWikiStatistics('.outwikistats-admins', 'admins');
        getWikiStatistics('.outwikistats-edits', 'edits');
        getWikiStatistics('.outwikistats-images', 'images');