Fandom Developers Wiki

Automatically creates documentation of a Lua module by extracting its documentation markup.


This module makes use of the syntax defined in ExpLua to retrieve documentation for a module. For example, with Module:codedoc/sample one could use the following Lua invoke in a talk page to show its code:


See generated docs in Module talk:Codedoc/sample.


The syntax is:


The module name must contain the syntax as described, otherwise it will not retrieve anything.

Documentation syntax

As described by the ExpLua author[1]:

For the whole file:

--| Begins a module/file comment, e.g., "this file does *this*".
--by Pedro Miller Rabinovitch <>
--$Id: myfile.lua,v 1.12 2003/10/17 00:13:56 miller Exp $
--TODO lots of stuff.

(Both --by and --TODO can be abbreviated to --b and --T)

Preceding each function:

--% This is the purpose of the function, i.e., what it *does*.
--- And this is the second line, which will concatenated to
--- the others.
--@ first (string) Text of the first parameter
--@ what (table) The second parameter is the table used for an
--- example
--@ [...] (any) Optional parameters to the called whatever
--: (number) Number of whatevers done or nil if an error occured
function Module:MyFunction( first, what, ... )


The syntax relies on adding comments with special characters that have a specific meaning, as described below:

  • --| — is used to describe the module itself
  • --by — contains author info
  • --TODO — contains any todo notes
  • --% — describes the purpose of the function
  • --@ — contains information about the parameters (format: "parameter name (parameter type) description")
  • --: — contains the description of the values returned by a function (format: "return type and description")

Note that by default the module details (author, etc.) are hidden by a setting in the script, but this can be overwritten.Template:Lua install

