Fandom Developers Wiki

StickySummary lets you set an edit summary to be automatically filled-in for every edit page. It can also be used while moving, protecting, deleting, or undeleting pages.



Click the open padlock icon by the edit summary box to "sticky" the current page's edit summary (the padlock will then appear closed). Open edit pages with no edit summary set will have their summary set to the stickied summary, and newly-opened pages will use the stickied summary.

Click the closed padlock icon by the edit summary box to disable the stickied edit summary (the padlock will then appear open). Open edit pages (except the current page) that were using the previously-stickied edit summary will have their summary cleared, and newly-opened pages will use the default empty summary.


The SVG padlock images used in this script are from the Font Awesome Free icon set by @fontawesome, and are licensed under CC BY 4.0.

Text above can be found here (edit)